5★ Sochi

Russian Dos and Don'ts

So Sochi is in full swing now. Aside from the Olympic rings not opening properly (and these becoming available from appropriately named ‘DeadRingerDesign’), Germany’s AMAZING pro gay silent protest uniforms and there not actually being very much in the way of real snow at the Winter Olympics, everything has been win-win for Russia.

An Olympic athlete photographed and posted the above pic from the Sochi Olympic Village where he or she was staying. Just in case any of the athletes do not know how to use a toilet, Russian officials genius’s have come up with a how-to guide. The first two I get, but what the hell is going on with the ‘No Fishing’ and ‘No Cocktail Parties on the Floor’ graphics. Those are both totally acceptable in our household!

There’s been quite a bit of coverage about the Olympic Village athlete’s accommodations and their state of disrepair. Following on from the hugely successful London 2012, let’s face it, anything and everything was going to be crap in comparison. However the full extent of Sochi’s Village of Horrors can be seen here.

On a brighter note, best of luck to all the athletes competing. I am of course rooting for the Jamaican bobsled team. Cool Runnings!!

Merry Christmas From Captain Picard

Sorry, this is a bit belated! Just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a spectacular 2014!

Where I Went Today :-)

Sognsvann Lake


This has to be my favourite place to visit in Oslo. Sognsvann Lake (it’s under that snow there somewhere!) has a lovely 4km path to walk around it. It’s just outside the city and all you can hear is the sound of the odd cross-country skier, a dog barking or snow falling off the trees. Peace away from London 🙂


John Lewis Christmas 2012


Love this. Besides from being a sweet advert at Christmastime, the thing I like about this is its simplicity and the way they have magae to show the emotion on the snowman’s face using just acouple of stones and sticks. Happy Christmas all…

Jacob Sutton’s L.E.D. Surfer

Kitten Cuteness

Too cold for little kitten? Too cute video of ickle kitten’s first experience of snow. Stay watching til the end for the biggest wuss kitten escape plan. Kittens + snow = Too much sugary goodness even for the biggest of Grinches. AAhhhhhhh! 🙂