How Wolves Change Rivers

Living in London, this is not something that I have witnessed first hand. Foxes on the other hand…

Regardless, this short documentary is very interesting and it’s amazing to see how small changes can have massive repercussions.

Magnetic Magic

The future!

Mab Cleaner

Dyson has its own prestigious award for design concepts and the winner was recently announced. Here is Electrolux’s own version of similar thinking, The Mab.
This strikes me as being very ambitious but perhaps the future is nearer than I think. Very clever idea. I want one!


27 Science Fictions That Became Science Facts in 2012



2012 saw some truly amazing leaps forward in science and technology. From artificial jaws to the discovery of the mysterious Higgs-Boson particle. From eye-implants restoring sight to the blind to flexible solar panels, cheap solar panels that could take on our dependency of fossil fuels. And Microsoft patents the Holodeck *rolls eyes*


Found via: Buzzfeed


Watching The Skies


So the end of the world came and went without anything happening back on the 21st December 2012. But when is the next forecast of doom scheduled for? Such a positive posting this is, but quite an interesting read nonetheless.


VISTA gigapixel mosaic of the central parts of the Milky Way


The Scale of the Universe

Want to feel humble? Check out this cool zoom magnification slider gadget thingy. Very clever and you’ll realise just how small we are when you consider the scale of the universe.


Earth & Our Solar System

A video of what some of our neighbouring planets would look like if they were as close to us as the moon. Amazing stuff! I always thought Mars was a lot bigger and yet Jupiter is insanely beyond what I thought it was. The solar system is fascinating and something I love to learn about. For recommendation, watch Wonders of the Solar System by the BBC if you can. It’s amazing and very informative in a digestible way.

Link to original YouTube video here.

Love – Trailer

This film looks like it might be amazing!

As trailers go, this left me feeling optimistic and enthralled… I hope the film lives up to its  promise.

IMDb Synopsis:

After losing contact with Earth, Astronaut LeeMiller becomes stranded in orbit alone aboard the International Space Station. As time passes and life support systems dwindle, Lee battles to maintain his sanity – and simply stay alive. His world is a claustrophobic and lonely existence, until he makes a strange discovery aboard the ship.

Trailer @ YouTube here.

Dolphin Intelligence

Everyone knows dolphins are intelligent, but here’s the proof. A bunch of dolphins in an aquarium in Baltimore have been studying themselves in a mirror showing indications that they recognise themselves – something only a handful of other animals can do, including ourselves. This clearly shows they can think and are sentient. Watch them swim around the mirror, they are able to realise they are seeing themselves instead of another of their species. They can track marks on their own bodies and even stick their tongues out and playfully have fun in the mirror. This is groundbreaking in that it shows how there are other highly intelligent mammals we are cohabitating with and ethical points arise. We really do need to be more aware of our choices towards other animals and show more respect to their well-being. More concern to fishing methods and captivity standards are among the few that spring to mind. Dolphins might be smiling at us for a reason… perhaps they know more than they are letting on, or are able to communicate verbally.

Watch the full CNN report here.