Another fascinating video documentary over on Vimeo.

This one marks the fortieth anniversary of the famous photo of Earth taken from space. The planet was likened to a ‘blue marble’ and became an iconic photo.

This documentary looks at astronauts experience of seeing the Earth for the first time from space.

Click the pic to go to Vimeo to watch it.




Click the pic to go to Vimeo and watch this very accomplished stop-motion animated short.

One Second A Day For A Year

Saturday Night Live cast member, Brooks Wheelan, films one second a day for a year and the result is a video that is actually quite inspiring.

Song: Arcade Fire, Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)

Photoshop Transformation Music Video


Photoshop is a great tool, without a doubt, but this French music video highlights the moral implications of its use in society these days. Everyone knows that models and celebrities are ‘Photoshopped’ on the front of magazine covers but I didn’t realise the extent of the tools power. This can be seen in this music video where some French singer warbles on as her face is retouched and transformed from perfectly pretty to a Mila Kunis look-a-like.

I’ve no idea what she is singing about; she could be singing “My face looks so much better Photoshopped” “I worship the power of Adobe” but judging by the tone of the video, I think it’s a statement about how unrealistic and unattainable Photoshop perfection is.

Note: This is not Adobe Photoshop being used in this video. I use the term as readers will generally know of the verb ‘to Photoshop’.

Via Brittany High at Vimeo

Capturing New York

This video does a fantastic job in capturing the essence of this beautiful and vibrant city. New York is not my home, I have lived in London my entire life, but for some strange reason, be it social conditioning through film and television or a fantastical dream of living in the city that never sleeps, I have an affinity with New York City. I’ve visited the place only twice in my few years, but long to be able to experience it as a local. In my visits, I’ve got a taste of what it might be like to be a New Yorker and got a sense of the feel of the city. This video really illustrates the small nuances and subtleties that might pass some by, but highlights the small beauties that help make NYC what it is. The iconic views, the people and the vibrancy. I can’t wait until I get to experience it again.

Again, as with my previous post, some Flash-less devices may not be able to load this content but be sure to check it out on a PC when you get the chance.


Credit: Mood Collection

Music: Nuvole Bianche, Ludovico Einaudi

Timelapse by Mike Flores


Found this amazing timelapse footage by Mike Flores on Vimeo today. I’m always intrigued by timelapse work as I think it shows a fascinating look at the stuff we see all around us everyday but don’t have the time to truly see. Great work Mike, I hope you don’t mind me linking to you Vimeo page, I think the more people that see you talented work the better.

Click on the image to watch his work.

Credit: Mike Flores

Music: Dream Is Collapsing by Hans Zimmer (taken from excellent Inception soundtrack)