Mindrelic – Manhattan In Motion

Thanks to my sister for directing me to this amazing time-lapse video of New York. Great accompanying soundtrack and some very clever camera work help to make this video really capture a sense of the bustle in NYC and all the little intricacies that might go unnoticed.

Androids Rise To Fame

Neat animation to illustrate mobile company Android’s rise to fame over the past few years broken down by continent. Apple may no longer be the monopoly it thought it was with so much competition on the market. I don’t know how this graphic compares to Apple sales but the visuals are pretty striking for Android. Plus it’s pretty to look at 🙂

YouTube link here.

The Chase Film

This animated film from Intel to showcase the POWER of their new processor chips is nothing short of genius. Watch this Bourne-style heroine of a woman beat the bad guys at their game by using various common computer programs and software to escape to freedom. Sounds boring, but is very well done. Animation here.

My New iBike

I want me one of these, I think…

I have in the past been out on bike and using my iPhone to track my route or listen to music (when not on the road) and found the battery life draining away in both my phone and my body. This could potentially be a genius invention, or an incredibly dorky one. It’s such a simple concept, I can’t fathom why no one has thought of it before – using your pedal power to charge your iPhone. I like the design too. A little off-the-wall but stylish and functional. The indicators are a good idea and I’m glad they’re integrated as I find them being used less frequently by cars these days*

All in all, a great concept and I look forward to innovation like this being developed further in the near future.

Link here for more info.

*What is with newfangled cars and their lack of indicator functions? I have nearly been mown down four times this week by lazy ass drivers who can’t be bothered to adhere to the rules of the road and use their blinking (see what I did there?) indicators when turning a corner. It’s a simple flick of the wrist! Why I oughta!!! I will be using a simple flick of my wrist if I get to driver number 5, I tells ya! USE YOUR FREEKING INDICATORS!

Capturing New York

This video does a fantastic job in capturing the essence of this beautiful and vibrant city. New York is not my home, I have lived in London my entire life, but for some strange reason, be it social conditioning through film and television or a fantastical dream of living in the city that never sleeps, I have an affinity with New York City. I’ve visited the place only twice in my few years, but long to be able to experience it as a local. In my visits, I’ve got a taste of what it might be like to be a New Yorker and got a sense of the feel of the city. This video really illustrates the small nuances and subtleties that might pass some by, but highlights the small beauties that help make NYC what it is. The iconic views, the people and the vibrancy. I can’t wait until I get to experience it again.

Again, as with my previous post, some Flash-less devices may not be able to load this content but be sure to check it out on a PC when you get the chance.


Credit: Mood Collection

Music: Nuvole Bianche, Ludovico Einaudi